Part 3, Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire Notes from White Fang

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Part 3, Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire Notes from White Fang

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White Fang Part 3, Chapter 1: The Makers of Fire

The cub, through carelessness and thirst, runs down to the stream to drink and doesn't take notice of his surroundings. It is because of this that he comes upon his first meeting with men. He does not run away, and cannot move. "In dim ways he recognized in man the animal that had fought itself to primacy over the other animals of the Wild. Not alone out of his own eyes, but out of the eyes of all his ancestors was the cub now looking upon man." Part 3, Chapter 1, pg. 67

Topic Tracking: Instinct 5

One of the Indians walks over to him and tries to pick him up. The cub wants to both yield and fight back, and when he is touched he bites the Indian's hand. He receives a blow to the head from the Indian's club. He hears the wail of his mother, and waits for the she-wolf to come rescue him. She arrives and he runs to her as the men back away. However, with surprise, one of them shouts, "Kiche!" One of them, Gray Beaver recognizes her as his brother's dog, and her name is Kiche. He will take both her and her son, who will be known as White Fang back to the Indian camp. Kiche is tied up, and White Fang is rolled on his back and his belly is rubbed. He doesn't understand this sensation, and is wary.

Soon the entire camp is there, and White Fang encounters the dogs of the camp, who spring upon him. Their masters, who protect White Fang, club them. Somehow he knows that the dogs are like him, but different, and that the men are masters of all of them.

White Fang and Kiche go down the valley of the stream until they reach the Mackenzie River. There the Indians set up camp, and White Fang is amazed by the teepees of the Indian camp. White Fang is now approached by an older puppy, Lip-lip. Thinking he is friendly, White Fang lets down his guard, but Lip-lip snaps at his shoulder, which had been hurt by the lynx. White Fang springs upon him viciously, but Lip-lip is a more experienced fighter, and soon White Fang runs back to his mother's protection.

White Fang also does not know about fire. At night, he approaches a fire, touches his nose to the flame, and tries to lick it. "It was the worst hurt he had ever known." Part 3, Chapter 1, pg. 76 He cries and cries, and tries to ease the pain with his tongue, but that is burnt as well. The men of the camp laugh at him, and in shame he runs back to Kiche. He lays by her side, hurting and homesick. Watching all the animals around, he misses the quiet of the cave. But he sees the men and knows their power. "They were firemakers! They were gods!" Part 3, Chapter 1, pg. 76

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