Chapter 44 Notes from Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Chapter 44 Notes from Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Uncle Tom's Cabin Chapter 44

George returns to the Shelby plantation, where Chloe eagerly asks about Tom, having gotten her hopes up that he would soon return to the farm. George tells her simply that he "went to a better country." Chloe leaves the room, and Mrs. Shelby goes after her, and they weep together. George enters and tells Chloe about Tom's death, and how he died happy, knowing he was going to Heaven, and how he gave his love to everyone. One month later, George calls all the slaves together and gives them papers declaring that they are free. There is much weeping and rejoicing, but many tell George that they are perfectly happy where they are and don't want to be turned away. He tells them that they are welcome to stay, but since they are now free, he will pay them wages, and they will never have to fear being sold to a cruel master. He tells them that he intends to teach them, and he tells them to look to the sky and thank God for their freedom. One of the servants strikes up a Methodist hymn, and when he finishes singing, George gives a speech, telling how he resolved before God that he would never own another slave again. He concludes his speech by saying:

"'It was on his grave, my friends, that I resolved, before God, that I would never own another slave, while it is possible to free him; that nobody, through me, should ever run the risk of being parted from home and friends, and dying on a lonely plantation, as he died. So, when you rejoice in your freedom, think that you owe it to the good old soul, and pay it back in kindness to his wife and children. Think of your freedom, every time you see UNCLE TOM'S CABIN; and let it be a memorial to put you all in mind to follow his steps, and be as honest and faithful a Christian as he was.'" Chapter 44, pg. 438

Topic Tracking: Religion 11

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