Chapter 37 Notes from Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Chapter 37 Notes from Uncle Tom's Cabin

This section contains 276 words
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Uncle Tom's Cabin Chapter 37

Chapter 37

In a Quaker house, the slave-catcher Loker is being cared for by a Quaker woman, nursing the gunshot wound dealt to him by George Harris. He asks her if George, Eliza and the others are there, and she says they are. He tells her that he hopes they escape, just to spite Marks. He tells the woman that Eliza should wear a disguise, as her description is out in Sandusky, and that they should leave very soon. (Later, Loker becomes a wiser man as a result of his travails and abandons the slave-catching trade.)

Topic Tracking: Morality 25

The party is divided and driven separately to Sandusky, where George, Eliza and Harry spend the night in another Quaker settlement. The next day, they leave, with Eliza disguised as a man and Harry disguised as a little girl. They board a boat, and as George is paying for the passage of his party, he hears a man say to another man that no slaves matching the description of the wanted fugitives have boarded the boat. George calmly returns to his family, despite what he has overheard. The boat sails without incident into the small town of Amherstberg, in Canada. George and his family disembark, and they fall to their knees on the Canadian soil, thanking God. They are guided to a Christian missionary.

Topic Tracking: Religion 8

George, who was initially skeptical of God's existence, had become more faithful after his speech with Mr. Wilson. Here, his faith is rewarded at last. Every religious character in the book has his or her faith rewarded in some way or another; some by reaching heaven, others on earth.

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