Chapter 42 Notes from Sense and Sensibility

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Chapter 42 Notes from Sense and Sensibility

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Sense and Sensibility Chapter 42

The Dashwood girls and Mrs. Jennings prepare to leave for Cleveland. Though the journey will take them closer towards home, Marianne is still sad in their leaving. Elinor was more happy to leave town, lessening the chance of Marianne seeing Willoughby, and ridding her of Lucy's painful friendship.

Topic Tracking: Romance 22

Marianne enjoys being back in the country, and takes many solitary walks. The company is agreeable, and Elinor even finds Mr. Palmer to be nicer in his own house. When the Colonel arrived, he filled Elinor in on the details of the parsonage. Elinor could understand Mrs. Jennings confusion at her close friendship with the Colonel, but she knew the Colonel really favored Marianne. After one of her long walks, this time through the wet grass, Marianne gets a bad cold and goes to bed early.

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