Chapter 28 Notes from Sense and Sensibility

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Chapter 28 Notes from Sense and Sensibility

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Sense and Sensibility Chapter 28

There is still no sight or word from Willoughby during the next several days. Marianne is convinced to go to a party with the group, and Willoughby is there. He is standing with a beautiful woman, and does not come over until he is seen by Marianne. When he does, his behavior is formal and reserved, opposite to how he behaved at Barton. Marianne begs him to tell her what is going on, and why he has not answered her letters. Willoughby seems pained and uncomfortable, makes a few reserved comments which do nothing to answer Marianne's questions, and then leaves. Pale and shaky, Marianne nearly faints. She asks Elinor to go to him, but Elinor insists they get her home, and take care of this tomorrow, in a more private place.

Elinor, certain Marianne and Willoughby must have been engaged, guesses that Willoughby has fallen out of love with her. She could tell from his behavior, that Willoughby knew what he had done, and felt guilty. Elinor is thankful that she still can respect Edward, while Willoughby's behavior greatly damages his character.

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