Act 4, Scene 2 Notes from Romeo and Juliet

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Act 4, Scene 2 Notes from Romeo and Juliet

This section contains 121 words
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Romeo and Juliet Act 4, Scene 2

Capulet, his wife, and the Nurse enter preparing for the wedding. Capulet asks where Juliet is, and within seconds, she arrives. She says that she has repented her sin of disobedience and asks for her father's forgiveness. He accepts her apologies, and says that he is going to tell Paris of the news. Juliet tells her father that she saw him in Friar Laurence's cell, and was very kind to him. Capulet is so pleased that he decides to move the wedding up one day, to Wednesday, the very next day. His wife says that there will not be enough time to get Juliet ready, but he says that he will stay up all night preparing. All exit.

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