Act 3, Scene 4 Notes from Romeo and Juliet

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Act 3, Scene 4 Notes from Romeo and Juliet

This section contains 105 words
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Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 4

It is Monday. Capulet and his wife enter with Paris. They are discussing the issue of marriage with Paris. At first, they deny his request to marry Juliet, for Tybalt's death has gotten in the way of thinking about other things. Capulet finally agrees to allow Paris to marry Juliet. The marriage will take place on Thursday. Originally, he had said it will take place on Wednesday, but considering that it is only Monday, Wednesday is too soon. Thus, he decides to make the wedding on Thursday. Paris leaves and Capulet tells his wife to prepare Juliet for the wedding. All exit.

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