Volume 2, Chapter 16 Notes from Pride and Prejudice

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Volume 2, Chapter 16 Notes from Pride and Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice Volume 2, Chapter 16

When Elizabeth and Jane arrive in Hertfordshire, Kitty and Lydia are waiting to meet them. The younger girls are full of stories about the soldiers and the news that Wickham has abandoned interest in the ugly rich girl. Kitty and Lydia are sad to report that the regiment is leaving town in two weeks to go to Brighton. Elizabeth is glad to see the soldiers go before Kitty and Lydia get themselves into trouble with their shameful behavior. Kitty and Lydia talk of how Mrs. Bennet agrees that it would be nice to go to Brighton for a vacation so that they could all be near the regiment, but Elizabeth is only somewhat worried that Mr. Bennet will allow them to go.

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