Volume 1, Chapter 12 Notes from Pride and Prejudice

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Volume 1, Chapter 12 Notes from Pride and Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice Volume 1, Chapter 12

The next day Elizabeth and Jane want to go home, but their mother won't send the carriage because she wants Jane to spend as much time at Netherfield as possible. Despite their mother's insistence that they remain there, Elizabeth knows that they're overstaying their welcome. Bingley arranges for his carriage to take them home the next day.

Their last day at Netherfield, Darcy is careful not to show any signs of interest in Elizabeth because it makes Miss Bingley treat her horribly and annoy him with her constant attention. So Elizabeth leaves Netherfield with the same impression of Darcy that she had before she went there.

At Longbourn Mrs. Bennet is annoyed to see that the girls returned home earlier than she wanted them to, but Mr. Bennet is glad to see them.

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