Notes on Old Man and the Sea Themes

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Notes on Old Man and the Sea Themes

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Old Man and the Sea Topic Tracking: Pride

Pride 1: Manolin makes sure that Santiago's pride is never wounded. An old man who has been fishing all of his life, and who believes his destiny is to fish, Santiago's pride in his ability and skill as a fisherman is all he has. The boy knows this and tries to protect the old man's pride.

Pride 2: Santiago always thinks of his hero Joe DiMaggio because of his greatness. Santiago would like to believe that he stands out like his hero. The boy points out that Santiago is not necessarily great, but is definitely unique.

Pride 3: One way that Santiago stands out from other fisherman is his attention to detail. He has a thorough method he uses for fishing and though he doesn't have the same success rate as other fishermen, he sticks to methodology.

Pride 4: Santiago takes his boat beyond all the others. He wishes to separate himself from everyone else and be unique.

Pride 5: Santiago relies on his former glory to give himself the self-esteem and feeling of greatness necessary to endure his struggle with the Marlin. As El Campeon, Santiago feels that there is no way he can be defeated, despite all the obstacles.

Pride 6: When Santiago and the Marlin head back to shore, the fish hangs towering on the side of the skiff. Santiago is proud of his victory as he looks at his catch.

Pride 7: Santiago's pride is wounded when the sharks tear into his Marlin. It is as if the sharks have wounded him.

Pride 8: Once again, Santiago feels guilty about killing the fish. He wonders if he was motivated by pride or love to kill the fish that he had so much respect for.

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