Section 6: (pg. 119-127) Notes from Old Man and the Sea

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Section 6: (pg. 119-127) Notes from Old Man and the Sea

This section contains 231 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Old Man and the Sea Section 6: (pg. 119-127)

Santiago's sailing becomes much easier now, without the marlin attached to the skiff. He acknowledges his defeat as he sails toward land. He is exhausted and as he docks the boat, he falls over and lies with the mast on him. He has to stop and sit five times before he reaches his shack.

Manolin finds Santiago in the shack face down on his bed. He checks to see if he is breathing and starts to cry when he sees Santiago's hands.

Topic Tracking: Paternalism 3

The other local fishermen go out and look at Santiago's skiff and measure the length of the marlin's skeleton. Manolin takes care of Santiago and reassures him that he was not defeated. Santiago tells Manolin that he missed him. Manolin has caught four fish in Santiago's absence, but asks the old man if they can fish together again. Santiago warns him that he has no luck, and Manolin replies: "To hell with luck. I'll bring the luck with me." Page 125 Santiago asks what Manolin's family will think, and the boy tells Santiago he does not care and that he still has much to learn.

Topic Tracking: Paternalism 4

The fish is now just garbage waiting to be thrown away. A waiter tries to explain Santiago's heroic tale to tourists who don't comprehend the story. In the shack, Santiago is asleep, dreaming of lions.

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