Book 2, Chapter 8 Notes from The Once and Future King

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Book Notes

Book 2, Chapter 8 Notes from The Once and Future King

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The Once and Future King Book 2, Chapter 8

Instead of planning for the war against Lot and the other rebels, Arthur talks about his idea for a new kind of law. He wants to have a hundred and fifty knights, all at a Round Table that will be like a wheel, with the servants serving food by walking around the inside. Merlyn is very pleased with Arthur. Arthur says that the knights should be young, so they can be taught this new way of thinking. Merlyn tells him that, since he is going to marry King Leodegrance's daughter, Guenever, he might ask her father for his Round Table. Arthur is uncomfortable knowing the future. Kay tells Merlyn he knows of a good reason to start a war: to force people to follow a good idea. Merlyn says it makes more sense to make the idea available, but not force it on people, but Kay argues that this is not what Arthur is doing.

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