Book 8: Erysichthon and His Daughter Notes from Metamorphoses

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Book Notes

Book 8: Erysichthon and His Daughter Notes from Metamorphoses

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Metamorphoses Book 8: Erysichthon and His Daughter

The great river told another story of transformation. Erysichthon scorned Ceres and cut down a tree that was one of her nymphs. In vengeance, Ceres sent Hunger to punish him. Erysicthon was so desperate that he sold his daughter into slavery for food. She escaped her captor and Neptune gave her the power to transform herself so that her captor could not find her. The girl returned to her father, and he used this new gift of hers to sell her as livestock. She would change her shape and escape to return home and be sold again.

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