Act 5, Scene 7 Notes from Macbeth

This section contains 105 words
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Act 5, Scene 7 Notes from Macbeth

This section contains 105 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Macbeth Act 5, Scene 7

On one part of the field Macbeth fights and he wonders at who was not of a woman born because that is the only person, according to the witches, that Macbeth need worry about. Siward's son approaches Macbeth and they fight. The younger man is killed, and Macbeth leaves that part of the battlefield. Macduff enters calling out for Macbeth so that he can avenge his family's destruction, but he cannot find the tyrant king.

Siward tells Malcolm that the castle has been surrendered, and that they have won the battle. The two men approach the castle gates and prepare to enter.

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