Notes on Objects & Places from Little Women

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Notes on Objects & Places from Little Women

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Little Women Objects/Places

War: The Civil War, 1861-1865. The March girls' father has gone off to war. Because their father is gone and because of the war, the March family is forced to give up many things to help the war effort, as well as to help them get by.

Pilgrim's Progress: A book by John Bunyan, a biblical allegory about a man named Christian and his journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. The March girls played a game of Pilgrim's Progress when they were younger. They would carry 'burdens' and hike from the cellar, which they called the City of Destruction, to the attic, which was the Celestial City. During this story, they often refer to their game, as it helps them get through the difficult wartime and family struggles.

Scrabble: The rat in the attic that Jo befriends that eats her manuscripts.

Beth's dolls: The worn and torn dolls that Beth takes in and cares for when her sisters throw them out. She creates a home for infirm dolls and repairs them as well as she can without using a needle, which might hurt them.

pickled limes: A treat traded at Amy's school for popularity with the other girls. They were forbidden at school, but girls traded them anyway, a crime that Amy was caught in by the schoolteacher.

Camp Laurence: A gathering of the Laurences, Marches, Vaughns and other friends at Longmeadow one day. They eat, play croquet, and talk the entire day.

Joanna: Beth's favorite doll, inherited from Jo, who abused her. Beth rescues her from the rag bag and repairs her.

The Pickwick Club: A secret society founded by the March sisters that publishes a weekly newspaper. They each have a pseudonym and publish in the newspaper. Laurie is allowed to join after he gives the family the post office on the border of their two properties..

Busy Bee Society: A game that the March sisters play in which they have to keep busy all the time doing something.

scarlet fever: A contagious disease contracted mainly by children, its symptoms are reddened skin and a high fever. Beth catches scarlet fever from the Hummel baby, who dies of it in her arms. Most people at this time had scarlet fever as children. Once they did, they were immune to it.

camphor: Used in medicine for mild pain and itching.

The Weekly Volcano: A newspaper that publishes Jo's sensation stories while she is in New York. Jo publishes anonymously and earns money she hopes to use to buy things for Beth. When she finds out that Professor Bhaer disapproves of such newspapers as being immoral, she stops writing for them.

The Spread Eagle: A newspaper in which Jo first publishes sensation stories for a dollar a column. This is her first success as a writer.

the mailbox: A mailbox that is set up by Laurie between the Laurence and March yards. It is used to send messages and gifts to one another.

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