Act 4, Scene 3 Notes from King Lear

This section contains 95 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Act 4, Scene 3 Notes from King Lear

This section contains 95 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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King Lear Act 4, Scene 3

Kent arrives, disclosing that the French have officially landed. He also notes that the King of France has returned to his own country to deal with domestic issues. With that in mind, who, then, is leading the French in England? It is Cordelia leading the invasion. Kent finds her and tells her of her father's situation. She grows unhappy. Her reaction is a virtuous one. The king, though, remembers now his austere treatment of his dear daughter Cordelia. He is too embarrassed to go find her. Kent will try to persuade him.

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