Chapter 22 Notes from Huckleberry Finn

This section contains 266 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Chapter 22 Notes from Huckleberry Finn

This section contains 266 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Huckleberry Finn Chapter 22

A mob of townspeople run up to Sherburn's house, making like they're going to lynch him. He comes outside and talks about how all people, in both the North and South, are cowards. He says that they're not really going to lynch him or do anything to him because they are all cowards.

"Your newspapers call you a brave people so much that you think you are braver than any other people - whereas you're just as brave, and no braver." Chapter 22, pg. 161

Huck watches the mob and then goes over to the circus. He is in awe with the dancing and how pretty the women look. The clown is a big hit too. A drunken man gets into the ring and says that he can ride better than anybody. He tries it and makes a fool out of himself. Huck feels really bad for him.

Topic Tracking: Humanity 9

Suddenly, the drunken man gets up and starts shedding his clothes to reveal a well-dressed, handsome gentleman. He gets back on the animal and rides it like gold. He fools the entire audience, and everyone laughs.

The King and the Duke perform their play that night, but only about twelve people show up, only to leave early. The Duke figures that the people can't handle Shakespeare, so he decides to have another play, one that is a "low comedy." It is called "The King's Camelopard" or "The Royal Nonesuch." At the bottom of the handbill, it says that women and children are not admitted. The Duke thinks that this will get people to show up.

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