Chapter 6 Notes from For Whom the Bell Tolls

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Chapter 6 Notes from For Whom the Bell Tolls

This section contains 170 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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For Whom the Bell Tolls Chapter 6

María tells Robert Jordan to drink wine so that she will seem beautiful, and he says she is already. He objects to them calling him Don (colloquial, Mr.), and says that in the seriousness of war, they should all call each other Camarada, or comrade. The woman remarks on how serious he is and how she can joke about anything. They are Republicans (this means, in the context of the Spanish Civil War, they are against fascists). María's father was a Republican all his life, and was shot. Robert Jordan says that his father and grandfather were Republicans, and María replies that in the U.S. they do not shoot you for it. Robert Jordan tells her that his grandfather shot himself to avoid being tortured. She looks at him with longing and says he and she are the same. He touches her neck. Later, the woman says his judgment in not killing Pablo was good.

Topic Tracking: Loyalty 6
Topic Tracking: Women 3

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