Part 4, Chapter 11 Notes from The Fountainhead

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Part 4, Chapter 11 Notes from The Fountainhead

This section contains 234 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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The Fountainhead Part 4, Chapter 11

Wynand takes Roark on his yacht for a several-month cruise so he can relax; he has been working too hard. The Cortlandt plans have just been completed and Roark has visited the construction site, as an anonymous onlooker. Wynand had told Dominique that he just wanted some time with Roark, and that he was grateful to him if he could make Dominique jealous. She couldn't say why she was jealous.

Topic Tracking: Doubles 9

Wynand tells Roark that now that he has discovered possession, he is a horrible miser when it comes to Roark and Dominique. He wonders if Toohey knows that Wynand is the embodiment of his selfless ideal; he has put his life into giving the public a paper that expresses all of their wishes and none of his own. Roark says he has been thinking about the Dean, and the concept of selflessness behind him that is destroying the world. People don't think selflessness actually exists, but it does - in such people as Peter Keating and other "second-handers:" people who do what they do so they can have money-not for personal gain, but for prestige in others' eyes. The greatest evil is to live life to please other people. Roark says he would not live for Gail, but he would give his life to save him; he likes Gail, because he was not born to be a second-hander.

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