Don Quixote Volume 2, Chapter 57
Sancho has some regrets after reading his wife's letter that was so full of excitement and anticipation. As they are about to leave the castle, the steward gives Sancho a purse with two hundred dollars in it for their journey. This cheers Sancho greatly. Altisidora starts to sing a bitter song (on her own initiative, this has not been arranged with the Duke or Duchess) singing curses and blights forever upon Don Quijote and accusing Sancho of stealing three handkerchiefs and garters. Sancho admits to having three of her handkerchiefs but that she is way out of line on the garters. The Duke says he will have to challenge Don Quijote to combat if these items are not returned. Altisidora announces that she has had the garters on and didn't realize it. Lord and squire take their leave (with the hankies).