Notes on Characters from Don Quixote

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Book Notes

Notes on Characters from Don Quixote

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Don Quixote Major Characters

Don Quijote: Born Alonso Quijano, he owns a dwindling estate in La Mancha. He sold off land to purchase many books about chivalry. Obsessed with knight errantry, he eventually decides to become one and mimic the adventures and heroics of heroes in his beloved books.

Señor Pero Perez: The village priest who so concerned for Don Quijote, he journeys to rescue him and successfully brings him home in Volume One.

Master Nicolas: The village barber and surgeon who travels with the priest to rescue his delusional neighbor Don Quijote and successfully brings him home in Volume One.

Dulcinea/Aldonza Lorenzo: Initially, at the beginning of Volume One the story states that Don Quijote chose a real woman whom he had seen, but never spoken to, from the neighboring village of Toboso to be his lady love. He renames her Dulcinea and no one knows her true identity. In Volume One, he mentions her original name to Sancho who says he knows her and she is one heck of a gal. However, later in Volume One, and continuing in Volume Two, Sancho speaks as if he has never seen her in his life. Dulcinea (Aldonza Lorenzo) never appears in person in either volume.

Sancho Panza: A poor farmer with a wife and two children becomes Don Quijote's squire. In Volume One, he endures much to return home with a bag of gold coins. In Volume Two, he emerges from his role of side kick to become a fully realized character and his own man. He has his own adventure as a governor of the long-awaited island where he surprises everyone with his wisdom amidst much hardship and teasing. Although, a practical joke invented by the Duke and Duchess, Sancho nevertheless grows through the experience as if he had been a real governor.

Innkeeper (Juan Palomeque): He owns the inn where much of Volume 1 takes place. He helps the priest and barber from La Mancha by lending them disguises and allowing the Don Quijote (the guest from hell!) to stay once again at his inn.

Wife of innkeeper: The wife of the innkeeper who graciously lends her donkey tail to disguise the barber.

Daughter of innkeeper: The very pretty daughter who Don Quijote fantasizes about visiting him in his bed.

Maritornes: She works at the inn and does a bit of freelance work on the side with some of the male guests. She is portrayed as being extremely homely (okay, downright ugly). She shows her heart of gold when she buys Sancho wine with her own money.

Cardenio: Luscinda's fiancee who lives as a madman in Sierra Morena Mountains after seeing her wedding.

Luscinda: She was Cardenio's fiancee first and then Don Fernando's.

Don Fernando: The cad who 'wed' and bedded Dorotea and tried to steal Luscinda from Cardenio.

Dorotea: She is Don Fernando’s jilted wife. She also played Princess Micomicona and miraculously changed the character of Don Fernando.

The 'Captive' (Ruy Pérez de Viedma): Zoraida sends him ransom money by stick and handkerchief and he brings her to Spain.

Zoraida/Maria: A Moorish woman who is a Christian and wishes to go to Spain so that she can live as one.

Teresa/Juana: She is Sancho's wife. Once she learns that her husband has been made governor, she begins adapting so that she can take her place by his side.

Rocinante: Don Quijote's old horse who is friends with Sancho's donkey.

Donkey: This is Sancho's loyal donkey . He mysteriously disappears and appears in Volume One, which is explained at the beginning of Volume Two. He is very attached to Rocinante, whom he follows faithfully.

Samson Carrasco: College graduate who disguises himself as the 'Knight of the Wood' (or Mirrored Knight) and 'Knight of the White Moon' and challenges Don Quijote.

Duchess: She owns a castle on an estate and spends her spare time (she's got a lot) playing pranks on Don Quijote and Sancho.

Duke: He owns a castle on an estate and spends his free time (he has a lot) playing pranks on Don Quijote and Sancho.

Doña Rodríguez: An older long-suffering lady-in-waiting or duena who Sancho likes to irritate. She asks Don Quijote to help her pregnant daughter regain her honor by challenging the young noble. This is thwarted by the Duke who recieves money from the young noble's father.

Altisidora: A younger lady-in-waiting who pretends to be in love with Don Quijote. She also pretends to be dead and to have seen devils playing racquetball.

Minor Characters

Housekeeper: She works for Don Quijote at his estate.

niece: A niece of Don Quijote who lives at his estate.

boy: A boy who helps on the estate

Amadis of Gaul: A well-known character from books of chivalry.

Two prostitutes: Worked at first inn Don Quijote visited.

innkeeper: Owner of first inn Don Quijote visited before Sancho was squire.

Muledriver #1: First muledriver Don Quijote beat s at first inn.

Muledriver #2: Second muledriver Don Quijote beat at first inn.

Andrés/fifteen year old boy: He was tied to a tree and whipped by his master.

Muledriver #3 (mean): He broke Don Quijote's lance and thrashed him with it.

Two muledrivers #4, #5: These two beat up Sancho when he tries to take some friars' frocks as battle spoils.

Basque man: A page who removes half of Don Quijote's helmet and part of his ear.

Sidi Hamid Benengeli: Author of first book of Don Quijote's adventures

Grisóstomo: A student turned shepherd who died of a broken heart because of his unrequited love for Marcela.

Marcela: An heiress turned shepherdess who is not interested in love or marriage.

Ambrosio: Grisóstomo's friend who blames Marcela for his death.

Vivaldo: A man Don Quijote meets on the way to the funeral.

Muledrivers # 6 : These are from Yanguas and beat Don Quijote, Sancho and Rocinante because the horse got frisky with their ponies.

Muledriver #7: He beats Don Quijote for trying to steal his date -- Maritornes

group of priests and muledrivers #8: Don Quijote scares this group off.

Alonzo Lopez: Priest whose leg Don Quijote broke.

Barber: He is the original owner of golden basin or Helmet of Mambrino.

Chaingang of Prisoners: Don Quijote sets them free.

Ginés de Pasamonte: One of the prisoners that Don Quijote sets free.

Princess Micomicona: A part 'played' by Dorotea.

Anselmo: The husband in 'The Man Who Couldn't Keep from Prying.'

Lothario: The friend in 'The Man Who Couldn't Keep from Prying.'

Camila: The wife in 'The Man Who Couldn't Keep from Prying.'

Leonela: The sly servant in 'The Man Who Couldn't Keep from Prying.'

Renegade: He helps the captive and Zoraida.

Hadji Murad: Zoraida's rich father who accuses her of leaving him so that she can satisfy her sexual appetite.

Arnaute Mamí: The captive's master and actual name of pirate captain that captured Cervantes.

The French: They sink the captive's ship, steal their possessions but give Zoraida forty doubloons.

Juan Pérez de Viedma (the judge): The captive's brother who is a judge.

Dona Clara: The judge's daughter who is in love with Don Luis.

Don Luis: A boy who loves Dona Clara and has left home to follow her.

Cathedral priest: He offers the opinion that women have no control over their instincts.

Eugenio: A shepherd who verbally abuses his goats.

Leandra: A maiden who chose the wrong man and ended up in her underwear.

Translator: Translator of Sidi Hamid's books on Don Quijote.

Little Sancho: Sancho's son.

Sanchica/Mari Sancha: Sancho's daughter.

Homely village girl: The girl Sancho chose to be the enchanted version of Dulcinea.

Troupe of actors: They hit the donkey with ox bladders.

Don Antonio Moreno: Don Quijote and Sancho's host in Barcelona.

Anna Felix: Ricote the Moor's daughter.

Knight of White Moon: Carrasco's disguise in Barcelona where he defeats Don Quijote.

Don Alvaro Tarfe: A character from Avellaneda's book whom Don Quijote and Sancho meet.

Knight of the Wood: Also known as the 'Mirrored Knight.' It is Samson Carrasco in disguise.

Casildea of Vandelia: Knight of the Wood's lady love.

Squire of Knight of the Wood: Sancho's neighbor and friend Tomé Cecial whom he recognizes after huge nose comes off.

Don Diego de Miranda: A traveler they meet who invites them to his home even after seeing the 'Lion Adventure.'

Don Lorenzo: Don Diego's son who is a poet.

Doña Christina: Don Diego's wife.

Corchelo: University student who invites Don Quijote and Sancho to wedding.

'The Swordsman': He convinces Corchelo of the merits of studying fencing.

Quiteria the Beautiful: She is the he bride-to-be of Camacho the Rich.

Camacho the Rich: He is the groom-to-be of Quiteria the Beautiful.

Basilio: A shepherd and Quiteria's true love, who tricks Camacho and marries Quiteria right in front of his nose.

Basilio's cousin: Acts as Don Quijote's guide to Montesino's Cave.

Montesino: He cut out the heart of his friend Durandarte (after he was dead).

Durandarte: He asked for his heart to be brought to his lady love after his death.

Lady Belarma: Durandarte's lady whose beauty is suffering from her long enchantment.

Man with jackass and weapons: An inhabitant from village that is being teased.

Future soldier: An eighteen year old lad off to join the army.

Alderman: He lost his donkey, only to find him dead. But he discovers that he and another alderman are excellent brayers.

Maestro Pedro the Puppeteer: Gines de Pasamonte in his new career

Priest: The Duke and Duchess's in-residence priest who leaves in a huff when he sees that Don Quijote and Sancho will be remaining as guests.

Merlin: He makes a cameo appearance in the woods and tells how Sancho can free Dulcinea.

Veiled Nymph/Dulcinea: Played by a servant of Duke and Duchess.

Countess Trifaldi/Lady Dolorida: She suffered from a bearded enchantment along with her dueñas.

Antonomasia: Daughter of the Countess that Countess Trifaldi was a lady-in-waiting to.

Don Clavijo: Antonomasia's reluctant husband.

Giant Malambruno: Cousin to Antonomasia's mother .

Pedro Recio de Agüero: Sancho's doctor on Baratario Island.

Secretary: Sancho's secretary in Baratario.

Steward: Sancho's steward in Baratario and choreographer of Duke and Duchess's practical jokes.

Ricote the Moor: An old neighbor of Sancho's in exile.

Don Pedro Gregorio: A rich, young man in love with Ricote's daughter.

Tosilos: The Duke and Duchess's footman who offered to marry Doña Rodríguez's daughter.

Doña Rodríguez's daughter: Pregnant and spurned by lover who promised marriage.

Don Gerónimo: The man who shows Don Quijote the awful sequel written by Avellaneda.

Avellaneda: Pseudonym of author who wrote ersatz second volume of Don Quijote's adventure.

Rocque Guinart: Leader of band of bandits and actual historical figure.

Claudia Jerónima: Hasty, jealous assassin of lover.

Don Vincent Torrelas: Claudia's doomed and dead lover.

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