Chapter 15 Notes from The Picture of Dorian Gray

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Chapter 15 Notes from The Picture of Dorian Gray

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The Picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 15

The same night, Dorian goes to a dinner at Lady Narborough's house. Her guests are boring, and he starts to wish he had not come, when Lord Henry arrives. Dorian still does not have much of an appetite, but participates in the conversation, flirting with Lady Narborough. She asks him about his love life, and they talk about several society women and how many husbands they have had. Lady Narborough tells Dorian, and Lord Henry agrees, that he should get married. They decide to find him an eligible young woman. Aside, Lord Henry asks Dorian how he is; he has seemed out of sorts tonight, although he was perfectly charming last night. He asks Dorian what he did last night, and Dorian says he went walking for a while and got home about half past two. He is defensive about it, and feels fear again because Lord Henry asked the question.

Upon returning home, Dorian takes out Basil's things and burns them, which takes almost an hour. He notices an ebony cabinet, and stares at it for a while before opening it and finding a small Chinese box with a green waxy perfumed paste in it. He smiles, puts the box back when he notices the hour, and gets dressed. He goes to Bond Street and hails a hansom, tells the driver an address, and gives him some extra money when the driver tells him it is too far. The driver agrees, and begins to drive.

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