August/September 1942 Notes from The Diary of Anne Frank

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August/September 1942 Notes from The Diary of Anne Frank

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The Diary of Anne Frank August/September 1942

Friday, 14 August, 1942

The Van Daans arrived on July 13. She describes their son Peter as "a rather soft, shy, gawky youth; can't expect much from his company." Friday, 14 August, 1942, pg. 20 The Van Daans tell them that they helped start the rumor that the Franks fled to Belgium or Switzerland.

Friday, 21 August, 1942

Mr. Kraler puts a movable cupboard in front of the door to the Secret Annexe. Anne complains that Mummy treats her like a baby, Peter seems like a lazy fool, and she must stay inside when the weather is lovely.

Topic Tracking: Family 3

Wednesday, 2 September, 1942

Anne is shocked at the trivial quarrel between the Van Daans, and at how lazy and touchy Peter is. Mummy and Mrs. Van Daan are not getting along either; Mrs. Van Daan refuses to share her sheets, and as a result, so does Mummy. Peter sneaks away with a book about women, and Mummy disapproves and says that he is not as mature as Margot and should not read it. Peter gets into trouble. After three days, things are all right again.

Topic Tracking: Family 4

Monday, 21 September, 1942

Mrs. Van Daan is picky and pushy. Anne sarcastically refers to her as Madame. Anne is working on her family tree with Daddy, which she likes very much. She likes the books that Mr. Koophuis brings for her. She is working hard on her French and listens to the news. Mrs. Van Daan enters as Anne is writing about her and Anne refuses to let her see.

Friday, 25 September, 1942

Anne goes upstairs to visit the Van Daans. Peter's parents ask her if she could grow fond of Peter, and she says no, for he is shy, as he has not had much to do with girls.

To correspond with the outside world, they smuggle letters to a chemist who does business with the firm, and who lives in a neutral country. He sends the reply in an envelope to the office. When this letter arrives, it is replaced by a letter in Daddy's handwriting.

Topic Tracking: Holocaust 5

Sunday, 27 September, 1942

Anne has a big fight with her mother. It is surprising, since the family usually does not have such outbursts. Anne comments sharply on how the Van Daans treat her as one of their own children. Once, when Mrs. Van Daan was criticizing how few vegetables Anne was eating, Daddy pointed out how few Mrs. Van Daan had on her own plate.

Topic Tracking: Family 5

Monday, 28 September, 1942

Anne rants about how it seems she is constantly criticized in everything she does. Anne knows that she has her faults, but also knows that she is not as bad-mannered, conceited, pushy, lazy, and stupid as they think. At the table, Mrs. Van Daan claims to have an unassuming nature. Mr. Van Daan advises Anne not to be too unassuming. Mrs. Van Daan criticizes Mummy for agreeing. Mummy stays calm; Mrs. Van Daan turns scarlet and storms out like a fool, red in the face.

Topic Tracking: Family 6

Tuesday, 29 September, 1942

They have a washtub and there is plenty of hot water. Each person has his own place for bathing. Anne thinks her place is the best of all.

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