Malachi Notes from King James Bible - Old Testament

This section contains 82 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Malachi Notes from King James Bible - Old Testament

This section contains 82 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Get the premium King James Bible - Old Testament Book Notes

King James Bible - Old Testament Malachi

God told Malachi that He hated Esau and loved Jacob. Therefore, He hated Esau's descendants. Jacob's descendants, however, were not all loyal but He didn't want to destroy them. He called to the priests and told them to remember the covenant. He wanted them to keep the commandments. God promised to send a messenger who would make the deceitful and sinful suffer. All who were righteous would be judged to survive and God would send the prophet Elijah to them.

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