Amos Notes from King James Bible - Old Testament

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Amos Notes from King James Bible - Old Testament

This section contains 115 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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King James Bible - Old Testament Amos

Amos was a prophet before the earthquake. God told him that He would destroy all the great nations and make their kings servants. God asked if anyone could prophesy without Him. Israel was to be punished for her sins when God raised a nation against her. Amos was shown a wall made with a plumb line and God said that we will build in this way. He showed Amos a basket of fruit and promised He would not pass by them and would make the sun rise at noon. He planned to seek out sinners and destroy their kingdoms. In the end, He would bring them out of captivity to rebuild their land.

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