Ephesians Notes from King James Bible - New Testament

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Ephesians Notes from King James Bible - New Testament

This section contains 236 words
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King James Bible - New Testament Ephesians

Paul writes a letter to the Church at Ephesus.

Paul writes of Christ because he has heard of the Ephesians' faith in God. He is impressed. He tells them that Jesus has brought them back to life because once they were dead in sin. He speaks again of circumcision. He emphasizes that what is most important is that which a person believes. The laws of God must be kept in order for men to be holy.

Paul tells them that he is a prisoner for the sake of the Gentiles. He writes so that they might know the mystery of God. He was made a minister to spread the word. He spreads the word of God, not man. He calls them to recognize that there is only one body of Christ. They should walk not as Gentiles or Jews but as members of the united Body of God. They should follow the commandments and keep no room for the Devil. In leisure men should not talk of sin but they should take comfort in the psalms and songs. Husbands must love their wives. The great mystery of God is that everyone is a member of his body. It is right for children to obey their parents and know their betters.

Paul asks the Ephesians to be in the Church of God, united with other churches.

Topic Tracking: Miracles 9
Topic Tracking: Faith 10
Topic Tracking: Gender 12

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