Notes on The Apology Themes

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Notes on The Apology Themes

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The Apology Topic Tracking: Resentment

Resentment 1: People resented Socrates' efforts when he tried to show them that they were overestimating their wisdom. However, Socrates felt it was his divine duty to show people who thought that they were wise, but were not wise, that they were not.

Resentment 2: Socrates' examinations to try to find the hidden meaning of what the oracle said caused people to dislike and resent him. Socrates did not believe that he was the wisest person but knew that the oracle could not be lying and therefore went out to find the hidden meaning by examining people's wisdoms. However his findings that people were not as wise as they claimed to be upset many people.

Resentment 3: Socrates is aware that many people will cast their votes against him out of anger and resentment because of impressions in their minds. However, he did not believe that he did anything wrong, and thought that if nobody was angry or resentful of him, they would realize that he was bring treated unjustly.

Resentment 4: Socrates realizes that some people may cast their votes in anger because he did not attempt to stir pity and bring his children up to the stand, as others often did when they were on trial. However, he thinks that using wits or pity to avoid death is unjust, and would thus never do it.

Resentment 5: Just like people in Athens resented him and did not tolerate him, people in other towns will do the same thing, and thus there is no point in moving to another town. In answer to an implied suggestion that he stop philosophizing, Socrates said that it was his divine duty to philosophize and he would never stop.

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