Chapter 23 Notes from The Age of Innocence

This section contains 132 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Chapter 23 Notes from The Age of Innocence

This section contains 132 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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The Age of Innocence Chapter 23

The next morning, Archer goes to Boston to find Ellen. The staff at the Parker House tells him that she has gone out. Archer is surprised that she has gone out at such an unconventional time of day.

He finds her sitting dejectedly on a bench in the Boston Common. She tells him about the reason she came to Boston. Count Olenski sent a messenger to offer her money if she will return to Europe as his wife. Ellen had refused the money, but tells him that the messenger insisted on staying in Boston in case she changes her mind.

Archer tries to persuade Ellen to join him on a steamboat ride. He wants to leave with her before the messenger returns. Ellen hesitates, but finally agrees.

Topic Tracking: Places 8

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