The Aeneid Quotes

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The Aeneid Quotes

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The Aeneid Quotes

Quote 1: "I sing of arms and of a man: his fate
had made him fugitive: he was the first
to journey from the coasts of Troy as far
as Italy and the Lavinian shores
Across the lands and waters he was battered
beneath the violence of the high ones for
the savage Juno's unforgetting anger." Book 1, lines 1-7

Quote 2: "For full three hundred years, the capital
and rule of Hector's race shall be at Alba,
until a royal priestess Ilia
with child by Mars, has brought to birth twin sons." Book 1, lines 380-3

Quote 3: "just as the bees in early summer, busy/ beneath the sunlight through the flowered meadows." Book 1, lines 611-12

Quote 4: "'The man you seek is here. I stand before you,
Trojan Aeneas, torn from Libyan waves.
O you who were alone in taking pity
on the unutterable trials of Troy,
who welcome us as allies to your city
and home- a remnant left by Greeks, harassed
by all disasters known on land and sea.'" Book 1, lines 836-842

Quote 5: "'tell us all / things from the first beginning: Grecian guile,/ your people's trials, and then your journeyings.'" Book 1, lines 1049-51

Quote 6: "'Do you
believe the enemy have sailed away?
Or think that any Grecian gifts are free
of craft? Is this the way Ulysses acts?
Either Achaeans hide, shut in this wood,
or else this is an engine built against
our walls....
I fear the Greeks, even when they bring gifts.'" Book 2, lines 60-70

Quote 7: "' ...four times it stalled
before the gateway, at the very threshold;
four times the arms clashed loud inside its belly.
Nevertheless, heedless, blinded by frenzy,
we press right on and set the inauspicious
monster inside the sacred fortress.'" Book 2, lines 335-339

Quote 8: "'Poor husband, what wild thought drives you/ to wear these weapons now? Where would you rush?'" Book 2, lines 699-700

Quote 9: "'If you go off to die, then take us, too,
to face all things with you; but if your past
still lets you put your hope in arms, which now
you have put on, then first protect this house.'" Book 2, lines 914-7

Quote 10: "'Why are you mangling me, Aeneas? Spare
my body. I am buried here. Do spare
the profanation of your pious hands.
I am no stranger to you; I am Trojan.
The blood you see does not flow from a stem.
Flee from these cruel lands, this greedy shore,
for I am Polydorus; here an iron
harvest of lances covered my pierced body.'" Book 3, lines 52-59

Quote 11: "'until an awful hunger and your wrong/ in slaughtering my sisters has compelled/ your jaws to gnaw as food your very tables.'" Book 3, lines 333-5

Quote 12: "'Along the banks beneath the branching ilex,
a huge white sow stretched out upon the ground
together with a new-delivered litter
of thirty suckling white pigs at her teats...'" Book 3, lines 508-11

Quote 13: "'I am of Ithaca and sailed for Troy,/ a comrade of unfortunate Ulysses;/ my name is Achaemenides.'" Book 3, lines 794-6

Quote 14: "'Let us make, instead of war,
an everlasting peace and plighted wedding.
You have what you were bent upon: she burns
with love; the frenzy now is in her bones.
Then let us rule this people - you and I-
with equal auspices...'" Book 4, lines 130-136

Quote 15: "'Are you now laying the foundations of high Carthage, as servant to a woman?'" Book 4, lines 353-4

Quote 16: "'Pity your sister- as a final kindness.
When he has granted it, I shall repay
my debt, and with full interest, by my death.'" Book 4, lines 599-601

Quote 17: "'Do not let love or treaty tie our peoples.
May an avenger rise up from my bones,
one who will track with firebrand and sword
the Dardan settlers, now and in the future,
at any time that ways present themselves.'" Book 4, lines 861-6

Quote 18: "'The circling year
completes its months since we entombed in earth
the bones and remnants of my godlike father.
Unless I err, that anniversary
is here, the day that I shall always keep
in grief and honor...'" Book 5, lines 61-7

Quote 19: "At this the loud outcries of Salius/ reach everyone within that vast arena." Book 5, lines 448-9

Quote 20: "' In my sleep
the image of the prophet Cassandra
appeared and offered blazing brands. 'Look here
for Troy; here is your home!' she cried. the time
to act is now; such signs do not allow
delay. Here are four altars raised to Neptune;
the god himself gives us the will, the torches.'" Book 5, lines 838-44

Quote 21: "' I see wars, horrid wars, the Tiber foaming
with much blood. You shall have your Simois
your Xanthus, and your Doric camp; already
there is in Latium a new Achilles.'" Book 6, lines 122-5

Quote 22: "' all these you see are helpless and unburied.'" Book 6, line 427

Quote 23: "'And I could not
believe that with my going I should bring
so great a grief as this. But stay your steps.
Do not retreat from me. Whom do you flee?
This is the last time fate will let us speak.'" Book 6, lines 610-3

Quote 24: "There are two gates of Sleep: the one is said
to be of horn, through it an easy exit
is given to true Shades; the other is made
of polished ivory, perfect glittering,
but through that way the Spirits send false dreams
into the world above. And here Anchises,
when he is done with words, accompanies
the Sibyl and his son together; and
he sends them through the gate of ivory." Book 6, lines 1191-1199

Quote 25: "'In that direction
from which the swarm has come I see a stranger
approaching and an army nearing us;
I see them reach the palace, see them ruling
in our high citadel.'" Book 7, lines 86-90

Quote 26: "'What of your right hand/ you swore so often to your kinsman, Turnus?'" Book 7, lines 487-8

Quote 27: "' ...The Fates
have crushed us, we are carried by the storm.
Unhappy men! The penalty for this
will yet be paid with your profaning blood.'" Book 7, lines 781-5

Quote 28: "'These groves were once the home of fauns and nymphs
and of a race of men sprung from tree trunks
and study oaks. They had no rule and no
refinements; for they could not yoke their bulls
or gather wealth or save what they had gained.'" Book 8, lines 412-16

Quote 29: "'That, if war were at hand, then through the air
she would bring Vulcan's weapons to my aid.
What slaughter menaces these sad Laurentians!
What penalties will Turnus pay to me!'" Book 8, lines 695-8

Quote 30: "'Hear what I have in mind. the people,
the elders- everyone now urges that
Aeneas be called back, that messengers
be sent to bring him the tidings he can trust.
If they agree to give to you instead
the prize that I can claim for such a deed-
since for myself the glory is enough-
then close by that mound there I may have found
a path to reach the walls of Pallanteum.'" Book 9, lines 253-60

Quote 31: "'Where have I left you poor Euryalus?'" Book 9, line 520

Quote 32: "'Grow
in your new courage, child; o son of gods
and ancestor of gods, this is the way
to scale the stars. All fated, future wars
shall end in peace...'" Book 9, lines 856-9

Quote 33: "'What each man does will shape his trial and fortune.
For Jupiter is king to all alike;
the fates will find their way.'" Book 10, lines 160-2

Quote 34: "' Both wife and sister to me, and much loved,
as you supposed (your judgment is not wrong),
the power of Troy has been sustained by Venus,
not by the fighting men's keen hands in battle,
not by their stubborn souls, patient in battle.'" Book 10, lines 834-8

Quote 35: "'why do you taunt and threaten me? There is
no crime in killing me; I did not come
to war with any thought of quarter, nor
did Lausus ever draw such terms with you.
I ask you only this: if any grace
is given to the vanquished, let my body
be laid to earth...'" Book 10, lines 1236-43

Quote 36: "'...No, do not, do not
provoke me into such a battle! More: since Troy is fallen now, I have no quarrel
with Teucrians; and I do not recall
with joy the old trials of that war. Take back
the gifts you bring me from your native shores
and give them to Aeneas. '" Book 11, lines 366-372

Quote 37: "'Your queen will not leave you dishonored/ in your last hour; neither will your death/ go now without its glory through the nations.'" Book 11, lines 1120-2

Quote 38: "'For I too, can cast a lance;
the steel my right hand uses is not feeble;
my father, blood flows from the wounds I deal.
The Trojan's goddess-mother will be too
far off to shelter her retreating son,
to hide him, as a woman would, within
the same deceiving cloud that covers her.'" Book 12, lines 67-74

Quote 39: "had long since felt / this duel was unequal; they are puzzled;/ conflicted feelings move their hearts" Book 12, lines 295-7

Quote 40: "'This is not the work
of mortal hands or skillful art; my craft
has not saved you, Aeneas: here there is
a greater one - a god- who sends you back
to greater labors.'" Book 12, lines 575-9

Quote 41: "'this day- unless they yield, accept our rule,/ submit to us- I shall annihilate/ that city,...'" Book 12, lines 759-61

Quote 42: "'I have indeed deserved this; I do not
appeal against it; use your chance. But if
there is a thought of a dear parent's grief
that now can touch you, then I beg you, pity
old Daunus- in Anchises you had such
a father- send me back...'" Book 12, lines 1242-7

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