Part 6, Chapters 1-7 Notes from Anna Karenina

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Part 6, Chapters 1-7 Notes from Anna Karenina

This section contains 98 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Anna Karenina Part 6, Chapters 1-7

The Levins take many summer guests into their home, including two characters named Koznyshev and Varenka. Koznyshev's fiancée died before the two could marry; he became lonely and now finds himself attracted to Varenka. About to propose, he backs down.

Stiva arrives later for a visit and brings a friend named Veslovsky. Levin gets jealous because Veslovsky flirts with Kitty. But Veslovsky is just a flirt. He goes to see Anna and flirts with her too. The two principal women react differently to this man, as do the two main male characters.

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