Notes on Objects & Places from Anna Karenina

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Notes on Objects & Places from Anna Karenina

This section contains 115 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Anna Karenina Objects/Places

Child: Children and babies are important in the book because they represent the continuation of the birth-death cycle, which Tolstoy privileges.

Peasant: Peasants play an important role by helping Levin find himself. They also serve to widen the disparity between country people, like Levin, and city people, like Stiva, Karenin and Vronsky, none of whom appreciate and value peasants the way Levin does.

Ball: Big society balls were events typical of the city people, rife with rumors, aristocrats, and dangerous flirtation. This is where Vronsky and Anna first connect in a meaningful way.

Countryside: Where Levin lives, works alongside peasants, and ultimately finds clarity and faith. This is also Tolstoy's home.

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