Zoot Suit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zoot Suit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The actor who plays Edwards also plays what role?
(a) The Prosecution.
(b) The Audience.
(c) The Jury.
(d) The Judge.

2. In Act 1, scene 10, the scene changes from the courtroom to what?
(a) The night of the Sleepy Lagoon murder.
(b) The night of the murder at the dance.
(c) The night of the Sleepy Hollow murder.
(d) The night of the riots.

3. The scenes with the riots show what happens when the other side of what explodes?
(a) The gang war.
(b) The race battle.
(c) The social war.
(d) The gang battle.

4. What do Della and Henry hear after Della accepts Henry's proposal?
(a) Henry's car being attacked.
(b) Della's car being attacked.
(c) Della's family being attacked.
(d) Henry's family being attacked.

5. What word best describes El Pachuco's attitude towards white people?
(a) Inclusive.
(b) Cynical.
(c) Hateful.
(d) Ironic.

6. What do the military members do to El Pachuco on the night of the riots?
(a) Humiliate him.
(b) Strip him.
(c) Ruin him.
(d) Kill him.

7. What does Alice do when Henry tells her he is dropping out of the appeal?
(a) Kisses him.
(b) Leaves.
(c) Loses her temper.
(d) Has him fill out paperwork.

8. What do George and Alice try to do to Henry when the Judge declares a break in the court proceedings?
(a) Get him to relax.
(b) Get him new clothes.
(c) Reassure him.
(d) Comfort him.

9. The Prosecution says Henry and his friends aren't only guilty of the crime, but are also guilty of what?
(a) No belonging in society.
(b) Being a menace to society.
(c) Trying to destroy society.
(d) Taking the money of whites.

10. What is emerging between the boys and George and Alice in the beginning of Act 2?
(a) Loyalty.
(b) Family bonds.
(c) Trust.
(d) Love.

11. At the end of Act 2, scene 5, El Pachuco takes the audience where?
(a) To the Injustice Riots.
(b) To the Zoot Suit Riots.
(c) To the Pachuco Riots.
(d) To the Chicano Riots.

12. Why does Smiley not want door-to-door fund raising for their defense fund?
(a) The people are too poor to give.
(b) They don't need the money.
(c) It is humiliating.
(d) It is disrespectful.

13. Who do the military members attack while on leave in Los Angeles?
(a) The Chicanos.
(b) The pachucos.
(c) The non-whites.
(d) The Asians.

14. El Pachuco tells Henry that everything was a joke and then does what?
(a) Snaps his fingers.
(b) Dances.
(c) Claps his hands.
(d) Laughs.

15. What does Henry say to George when George leaves the boys after their trial?
(a) See you soon.
(b) Thank you.
(c) Have fun.
(d) God Bless.

Short Answer Questions

1. The attitudes of the Judge and the Prosecution are portrayed in such an extreme manner that they can be described as what?

2. According to Della, what is the man's name who dies the night of the Sleepy Lagoon murder?

3. What does Henry do when the guard comes in with new and more difficult work assignments?

4. What does it suggest that the Press plays the prosecution?

5. Who does Henry have a last moment with before being led off after the verdict?

(see the answer keys)

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