The Zoo Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Zoo Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jerry pokes Peter and tells him to do what?
(a) Leave the park
(b) Tell him about his favorite animal
(c) Get up
(d) Move over

2. What does Peter want to use the knife for?
(a) Evidence
(b) Self defense
(c) A memento
(d) Killing Jerry

3. What can Peter learn from a man who lives in a roominghouse on the West Side?
(a) How to love.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Everything.
(d) How to survive.

4. Jerry describes the dog as "Malevolence with an __________."
(a) Attitude
(b) Aptitude for negativity
(c) Erection
(d) Easy going spirit

5. What kind of animal should it be?
(a) Any kind of animal.
(b) A dog.
(c) A cat.
(d) A parakeet.

6. What happens soon after he has done this to the dog?
(a) The dog chases after him.
(b) The dog becomes deathly ill.
(c) The dog dies.
(d) The dog bites him.

7. What does Jerry tell the man at the hamburger place?
(a) Not to include the roll
(b) That he is going to kill a dog.
(c) To hurry up
(d) To put poison in the bun

8. Why does Peter alway sit on this bench?
(a) It's by a cafe
(b) It's his bench
(c) It's near the water
(d) It's secluded

9. Who is called slow witted?
(a) Neither
(b) Peter
(c) Both
(d) Jerry

10. What is gray-yellow-white color on the dog?
(a) His fangs
(b) His eyes
(c) His belly
(d) His paws

11. How many more times does Jerry try the plan?
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Five

12. How does Jerry calm Peter?
(a) He gives him a hug.
(b) He threatens him.
(c) By telling him he was not successful in his quest.
(d) He gives him a sedative.

13. What happened to the dog after all?
(a) He recovered
(b) He ran away
(c) He never bothered the queen again
(d) He died

14. Jerry says that animals don't take to him like ______________.
(a) Doctor Doolittle
(b) Saint Francis
(c) His Pop
(d) Peter

15. What does Jerry do with the bag of burgers he has purchased?
(a) He feeds them to the dog.
(b) He eats all of the burgers.
(c) Throws away everything but the meat.
(d) Throws away the meat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tell me Peter, is this _________, this iron and wood, is this your honor?

2. What does Peter want Jerry to do?

3. What does Jerry smile and do?

4. Why does Jerry decide to kill the dog nicely?

5. What does Jerry say to Peter in response to what happens in #175?

(see the answer keys)

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