The Zoo Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Zoo Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of Jerry's walls made from?
(a) Cedar
(b) Oak
(c) Brick
(d) Beaverboard

2. Why does he do this, every once in awhile?
(a) He needs to take time to think.
(b) He wants to make new friends.
(c) He wants to be in nature.
(d) He needs a change in his life.

3. What does Peter think of this man's odd reprimand?
(a) He is confused by it.
(b) He understands it.
(c) He does not understand it.
(d) He is worried by it.

4. Where can this play occur?
(a) Anywhere.
(b) An park in any city.
(c) Only in Central Park.
(d) Any park in New York City.

5. What does Jerry remind Peter about the zoo?
(a) He probably wants to see the animals.
(b) He probably wants to go there.
(c) He probably does not care about it.
(d) He probably wants to know what happened there.

6. How does Peter feel about the pornographic cards?
(a) He wants to take them from Jerry.
(b) He still does not feel comfortable talking of such things.
(c) He has seen all of them and is not bothered by them.
(d) He likes them.

7. Of whom does Jerry speak?
(a) Her cat.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her dog.
(d) Her children.

8. How does Jerry keep the landlady away?
(a) He ignores her
(b) He married her
(c) He hides
(d) He lies to her

9. Jerry has two pictures frames. What's odd about this?
(a) They're broken.
(b) They're filled with people he doesn't know.
(c) They're empty.
(d) They came with his place.

10. What does Peter claim about his life?
(a) It is complex.
(b) It is stressful.
(c) It is simple.
(d) It is annoying.

11. What does Jerry find to be obvious about the picture frames?
(a) They are from Target.
(b) He has nobody to put in the frames.
(c) They are people he has known for many years.
(d) They are pictures of his family.

12. What does Jerry say when Peter admits to being married?

13. By what is Peter stunned?
(a) Jerry's enthusiasm.
(b) Jerry's anger.
(c) Jerry's attitude.
(d) Jerry's misfortune.

14. Who says the following: "But Love, wasn't yesterday enough for you"
(a) Joe
(b) The landlady
(c) Jerry
(d) Peter

15. When Jerry finishes his monologue on his family, what kind of joke does he call his life?
(a) Cruel
(b) Distasteful
(c) Funny
(d) Middle-European

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Jerry abhor?

2. Where was Jerry's mom's body found?

3. How much money does Peter carry on him?

4. This character is in his late-thirties and has a disheveled appearance:

5. What part of the park does Jerry dislike?

(see the answer keys)

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