Zlateh the Goat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zlateh the Goat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is kept burning in the room made to look like paradise?
(a) Pine boughs.
(b) Candles.
(c) Incense.
(d) A fire.

2. What is Atzel's main attribute when he grows up?
(a) Kind.
(b) Lazy.
(c) Handsome.
(d) Mean.

3. What word does Grandmother use to describe the children in her story?
(a) Greedy.
(b) Misled.
(c) Ignorant.
(d) Foolish.

4. What does the strange man look like as he spins around in the house?
(a) A star.
(b) A candle.
(c) A dreidel.
(d) A top.

5. What creatures appear as the strange man spins around in the house?
(a) Dwarfs.
(b) Goblins.
(c) Ghosts.
(d) Elves.

6. How does Atzel feel during his funeral?
(a) Tired.
(b) Offended.
(c) Content.
(d) Happy.

7. What symbol keeps appearing for the children as they are entertained by the strange man in "Grandmother's Tale"?
(a) Druin.
(b) Farkel.
(c) Gimel.
(d) Nun.

8. How many men are called to carry the messenger?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

9. What does Atzel do during his funeral?
(a) Hums.
(b) Smiles.
(c) Sleeps.
(d) Sings.

10. What is the first question the doctor asks the older man when he starts to cure Atzel?
(a) Where is the family graveyard?
(b) Why do you keep a dead boy in your house?
(c) Why don't you hire a new son?
(d) How did your poor son die?

11. What does Grandmother promise her grandchildren the next night?
(a) A new dreidel.
(b) Another story.
(c) More time to play jacks.
(d) Some apple cider.

12. What does the strange man in "Grandmother's Tale" do first when he entered the house?
(a) Smoked.
(b) Cried.
(c) Slept.
(d) Ate.

13. What is the name of the orphan girl?
(a) Abish.
(b) Aksah.
(c) Abbah.
(d) Akish.

14. What do Atzel and the orphan girl pretend to be when they were children?
(a) Royalty.
(b) Married.
(c) Dogs.
(d) Servants.

15. What is the first thing the doctor tells the older man to do to cure Atzel?
(a) Slap him.
(b) Bury him.
(c) Sing to him.
(d) Put him outside.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Atzel do when he returns from the false paradise?

2. What game are Grandmother's grandchildren playing at the beginning of this story?

3. What vanishes with the strange man?

4. What is there NOT included in the room made to look like paradise?

5. What did Chelm need money for?

(see the answer keys)

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