Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Zlata Filipović
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Zlata Filipović
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 121 - 140.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was President of the Soros Foundation in Sarajevo?
(a) Marshal Tito.
(b) Radovan Karadzic.
(c) Goran Milic.
(d) Zdravko Grebo.

2. Why was crossing the bridge so dangerous?
(a) Snipers shot people crossing the bridge.
(b) Muggers attacked people.
(c) Kidnappers preyed on innocent victims.
(d) The bridge was unstable.

3. What happened to Filipovich's country home in Crnotina on June 18, 1992?
(a) The country house was destroyed by a shell.
(b) The country house was burned down.
(c) Filipovich's dad sold the house.
(d) The country house became a shelter for refugees.

4. On July 5, 1992, what did Filipovic wish she could do but was unable to because it was in the "dangerous room"?
(a) Play with her dolls.
(b) Listen to the radio.
(c) Play the piano.
(d) Watch TV.

5. What color of berets were the men wearing at the UN peace force command?
(a) Green.
(b) Red.
(c) Blue.
(d) Black.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who went to a Guns and Roses concert in Budapest?

2. What city was in flames and being bombarded by constant shelling on December 4, 1992?

3. Why were the children pushing and fighting on December 25, 1992?

4. Who was the woman who helped at Filipovich's home when her mom was not feeling well?

5. Where was the 150 year old house that Zlata's mom and dad restored?

(see the answer key)

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