Zero Days Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Ruth Ware
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zero Days Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Ruth Ware
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Sunday, February 12: Zero Days; Monday, February 13: Day One; Epilogue—Monday, February 12: Day Three Hundred and Sixty-Five; and Back Matter.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Hel give Jack before leaving her at the police station?
(a) £20.
(b) £50.
(c) £10.
(d) £30.

2. To which of the following does Jack compare herself after waking in the field?
(a) Millipede.
(b) Caterpillar.
(c) Eel.
(d) Starfish.

3. On what road does Jack live?
(a) Exeter Boulevard.
(b) Salisbury Lane.
(c) Canterbury Place.
(d) Hastings Road.

4. What is Jack’s username?
(a) ReddyBrek.
(b) SteddyTek.
(c) SchweddyNek.
(d) FreddyFlek.

5. Who calls Gabe’s phone in the service station?
(a) Cole.
(b) Miles.
(c) Malik.
(d) Leadbetter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What make of car does Cole drive?

2. What Sunsmile employee does Jack move to impersonate?

3. In which of the following does the author report living?

4. Which of the following is the name of one of Gabe’s parents?

5. What train station does Jack use to depart from London?

(see the answer key)

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