Zero Days Character Descriptions

Ruth Ware
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zero Days Character Descriptions

Ruth Ware
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Jacintha “Jack” Cross

The narrating protagonist, this character works in penetration testing.

Lucius Doyle

An American, this character helps the narrating protagonist check into lodgings.

Cole Garrick

Family friend of the narrating protagonist, this character works in telecommunications.

Jeff Leadbetter

Former romantic interest of the narrating protagonist, this character is a police officer.

Habiba Malik

Pursuing the narrating protagonist, this character is an aggressive police officer.

Gabe Medway

Husband of the narrating protagonist, this character works in penetration testing.

Alex Miles

Pursuing the narrating protagonist, this character is a sympathetic police officer.

Bill Watts

A driver, this character helps the narrating protagonist travel to complete a transaction.

Helena “Hel” Wick

Sister of the narrating protagonist, this character is a journalist.

Roland Wick

Brother-in-law of the narrating protagonist, this character is a solicitor.

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