Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. All institutions of the System are based on
(a) the Church of Reason.
(b) intelligent beings.
(c) individual weakness.
(d) the ability to teach.

2. Poincaré's "subliminal self" corresponds to Phaedrus'
(a) domain of consciousness.
(b) preintellectual awareness.
(c) Intellectual reality.
(d) esthetic feeling.

3. A sarcophagus is
(a) a piece of striated muscle.
(b) a limestone coffin.
(c) a dinosaur.
(d) a room in an insane asylum.

4. The Narrator becomes scared and decides NOT to
(a) sell the motorcycle in San Francisco.
(b) send Chris home on a bus.
(c) check himself into a hospital.
(d) ride the cycle back to Minnesota.

5. The Narrator first helps Chris' tiredness by
(a) ferrying the backpacks up the mountainside.
(b) teaching Chris to use an aspen pole.
(c) putting all the heavy stuff in one backpack.
(d) having Chris eat lunch and take a nap.

6. When Quality is subtracted from the world as Phaedrus knew it, he discovered that the fine arts disappeared. What else disappeared?
(a) values and purpose
(b) work and sports
(c) science and technology
(d) entertainment and flavors

7. Signs that Phaedrus' life is unraveling include all EXCEPT
(a) he loses touch with his students.
(b) he is more affected by his children's needs..
(c) he gets less and less sleep.
(d) he forgets about food and exercise.

8. The hyped-up, supermodern style of life is another
(a) setback.
(b) hang-up.
(c) tune-up.
(d) letdown.

9. The Narrator tells a story about camping in the mountains and being surprised by a
(a) buffalo.
(b) moose.
(c) deer.
(d) partridge.

10. The resolution of specific problems of conscience, duty or conduct by using or interpreting ethical principles or religious doctrines is called
(a) religionality.
(b) casuistry.
(c) rationality.
(d) casually.

11. The Immortal Principle was NOT called
(a) fire by Heraclitus.
(b) rock by Piney.
(c) water by Thales.
(d) air by Anaximenes.

12. When Phaedrus reads "Phaedrus" he is impressed by
(a) the double meanings of the words.
(b) the poetic imagery.
(c) the emotions expressed.
(d) the condemning spirit.

13. The idea of eliminating degrees and grades
(a) was embraced by the student body.
(b) became a demonstrator for persuasive writing.
(c) was enacted by the university.
(d) was not popular among the faculty.

14. When Chris falls down, he
(a) gets angry.
(b) starts crying.
(c) begs to go back.
(d) is injured.

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of inner peace of mind?
(a) Mental quietness
(b) Value quietness
(c) Physical quietness
(d) Spiritual quietness

Short Answer Questions

1. All of the following are synonyms for "metaphysical" EXCEPT

2. Which is NOT a way in which the Narrator knows that Chris is exhausted?

3. What Phaedrus has talked about as Quality, Socrates describes as

4. When the student could not write an essay on Bozeman, Phaedrus told her to

5. What does Chris want to know about his father?

(see the answer keys)

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