Zami, a New Spelling of My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Zami, a New Spelling of My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name that expresses how Carriacou women love one another in the book?
(a) Tani.
(b) Bali.
(c) Pamu.
(d) Zami.

2. What does Audre say her mother hates to cook but that she enjoyed?
(a) Roast beef.
(b) Chicken soup.
(c) Souse.
(d) Gumbo.

3. What word does Audre learn the meaning of at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) War.
(b) Black.
(c) Colored.
(d) Redbone.

4. What profession are Audre's friends Jean and Gennie in the book?
(a) Cooks.
(b) Teachers.
(c) Dancers.
(d) Singers.

5. Why does Audre say she loves making the dish her mother hates?
(a) The smell is nice.
(b) She likes pounding garlic.
(c) It takes patience.
(d) She likes pounding meat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What hobby does Audre begin doing after joining her group of outcast friends in high school?

2. What job does an aptitude test suggest Audre have when she takes it in high school?

3. What is the name of the high school Audre attends?

4. What does Audre decide to do just after graduating high school?

5. What kind of songs does the protagonist's mother sing to her as a child?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Audre describe her view of her mother when she was a young child in Harlem?

2. How does Audre describe her time spent working with her father in Chapter 9?

3. How is Gennie's death described in the book?

4. How is Audre's work ethic at St. Catherine's described in regards to her schoolwork?

5. How does Audre describe her first menstruation in the book?

6. How are Audre's actions to be prepared after Pearl Harbor described in the book?

7. How is Audre's relationship with Peter described in the book?

8. How is Audre's first experience with segregation described in the book?

9. How does Audre describe sharing a bed with her older sisters as a young girl?

10. How is Gennie's relationship with her mother Louisa described in the book?

(see the answer keys)

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