The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What family does the young man from Atlanta claim to have?
(a) A precious niece and a precious nephew.
(b) A precious sister and a precious brother.
(c) A precious mother and a precious sister.
(d) A precious nephew and a precious sister.

2. What does Pete promise to do when he gets to Atlanta?
(a) Call Will.
(b) Kiss his mother for Will.
(c) Say hello to the relatives for Will.
(d) Buy Will a souvenir.

3. What does Will ask Carson to do before he and Pete leave?
(a) Help him back to his room.
(b) Run to the ice cream parlor.
(c) Lock the door behind him.
(d) Run to the grocery store.

4. What does Clara's friend tell her about Eleanor Roosevelt?
(a) That she is a hateful woman.
(b) That she does not actually exist.
(c) That she was the founder of the Disappointment Clubs.
(d) That she was never involved in the Disappointment Clubs.

5. Why does the man at the bank say the meeting could not have been conducted over the phone?
(a) The man at the bank never uses phones.
(b) The phone seemed too "modern."
(c) The phone seemed too "unpersonal."
(d) The phone seemed too "intimate."

6. How does the young man respond to being told to go?
(a) He cries.
(b) He leaves quietly.
(c) He threatens to expose Bill for what he really was.
(d) He threatens Lily Dale.

7. What does the man at the bank say about Will's proposal?
(a) The man says he has never heard of any proposal so foolish.
(b) The man says now is a good time to start a new business.
(c) The man says now is not a good time to start a new business.
(d) The man says Will has been a poor customer and is therefore unworthy of a loan.

8. When does the man at the bank suggest Will return?
(a) In one month.
(b) In six months.
(c) In six weeks.
(d) In one year.

9. Who does the young man from Atlanta say wanted to room with him at the YMCA.
(a) Tom.
(b) Pete.
(c) Carson.
(d) Will.

10. What does Will say his meeting at the bank was?
(a) A courtesy call.
(b) A huge success.
(c) An elaborate ruse.
(d) An abysmal failure.

11. What does Pete decide to do after talking with Carson about Atlanta?
(a) Pete decides to throw Carson out.
(b) Pete decides he is ready to die.
(c) Pete decides to write a letter to his relatives.
(d) Pete decides to slip away to Atlanta for a few days.

12. Pete says Carson reminds him of whom?
(a) Bill.
(b) His father.
(c) Will.
(d) His stepson.

13. How does Will excuse himself from his meeting with Etta Doris?
(a) Will says Etta Doris is boring him to tears.
(b) Will says he is dizzy.
(c) Will says he is feeling nauseous.
(d) Will says he is feeling tired.

14. How does Will describe the age of the man at the bank?
(a) Lily Dale's age.
(b) Will's age.
(c) Younger than Carson.
(d) Older than Pete.

15. What "one last favor" does Lily Dale ask of Will?
(a) Lily Dale asks Will to take her to Atlanta.
(b) Lily Dale asks that Will go speak to the young man from Atlanta.
(c) Lily Dale asks Will to keep their new car.
(d) Lily Dale asks Will to keep their new house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time does Pete say his wife would have to get up?

2. What kind of grades does Etta Doris say Bill made?

3. When Lily Dale tells Will what the doctor says about going to the bank, how does Will respond?

4. Who does Etta Doris work for now?

5. What does Lily Dale ask Pete when Will leaves to get dressed for his trip to the bank?

(see the answer keys)

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