The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the man at the bank suggest Will return?
(a) In one month.
(b) In six weeks.
(c) In six months.
(d) In one year.

2. Where does Carson pick up his clothes?
(a) Atlanta.
(b) The YMCA.
(c) The saloon.
(d) Pete's room.

3. Who does Will call?
(a) Tom.
(b) Pete.
(c) Ted.
(d) Carson.

4. How long will Pete stay in Atlanta?
(a) Two or three days.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Seven days.
(d) Three or four days.

5. What is the first thing Will says to Etta Doris?
(a) Will tells her to get out.
(b) Will says he's thrilled to see her.
(c) Will says, "welcome home!"
(d) Will says he doesn't remember her.

6. What does Clara say about Pete and Carson?
(a) The two are at each other's throats.
(b) The two are funny as can be.
(c) The two are thick as thieves.
(d) The two look and awful lot alike.

7. What does Pete decide to do after talking with Carson about Atlanta?
(a) Pete decides to slip away to Atlanta for a few days.
(b) Pete decides to write a letter to his relatives.
(c) Pete decides he is ready to die.
(d) Pete decides to throw Carson out.

8. Why does Lily Dale say she has stopped seeing Mary Cunningham?
(a) Mary claims Lily Dale stole her makeup.
(b) Mary claims Lily Dale slept with one of the young men.
(c) Mary claims Lily Dale is a liar.
(d) Mary claims Pete tried to hit on her once.

9. Where does Lily Dale say she and Will lived when Etta Doris worked for them?
(a) On Hawthorne.
(b) On Rose.
(c) On Brooks.
(d) On Hinkle.

10. How long does Carson say he has been driving?
(a) Since he was eighteen.
(b) Since he was fourteen.
(c) Since he was twelve.
(d) Since he was sixteen.

11. How does Etta Doris describe Bill?
(a) A sweet boy.
(b) A happy boy.
(c) A mean boy.
(d) A melancholy boy.

12. Why is Will going to the bank?
(a) To withdraw all of his money.
(b) To apply for a job.
(c) To rob the joint.
(d) To talk about getting a loan for a new business.

13. What kind of grades does Etta Doris say Bill made?
(a) Average grades.
(b) Poor grades.
(c) Mixed grades.
(d) Good grades.

14. Who does the young man from Atlanta say wanted to room with him at the YMCA.
(a) Pete.
(b) Will.
(c) Carson.
(d) Tom.

15. What does Will say after he tells Lily Dale the meeting at the bank was just a courtesy thing?
(a) Will says he's lost his spirit.
(b) Will says he's back in the game.
(c) Will says he feels younger than ever.
(d) Will says he feels like dying.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Will say he lied to Lily Dale about?

2. What bank is Will going to downtown?

3. What does Will say about his behavior toward Lily Dale?

4. What "one last favor" does Lily Dale ask of Will?

5. What does Pete tell Will about the money?

(see the answer keys)

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