The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Young Man from Atlanta Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many children does Susette have?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Seven.
(d) Six.

2. How are relations between Will and Lily Dale as of Carson's arrival?
(a) Will and Lily Dale have separated.
(b) Will and Lily Dale are laughing and playing together like they did when they first met.
(c) Will and Lily Dale have made up.
(d) Will isn't half speaking to Lily Dale.

3. What offer does Tom make to Will?
(a) Tom offers Will a new job at the company with less responsibility.
(b) Tom offers Will an all expense paid trip to Europe to speed his recovery.
(c) Tom offers Will $25,000.
(d) Tom offers Will $250,000.

4. What does Will say the young man from Atlanta's relationship to Bill is?
(a) Will says the young man is Bill's former racquetball partner.
(b) Will says the young man is Bill's cousin.
(c) Will says the young man is Bill's former roommate.
(d) Will says the young man is Bill's lover.

5. How does Lily Dale say the maids would disappoint their bosses?
(a) By painting their door posts.
(b) By burning their houses down.
(c) By not showing up for work.
(d) By telling their secrets around town.

6. According to Will, what is the largest city in the South?
(a) Houston.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Dallas.
(d) Atlanta.

7. What are Will's religious beliefs?
(a) Will has mixed feelings about church, but believes in God zealously.
(b) Will doesn't believe in God, but loves church.
(c) Will doesn't know if he believes in God, but he hates church.
(d) Will believes in God, but can't stand church.

8. The young man from Atlanta tells Lily Dale that Bill was like a what to him?
(a) A son.
(b) A brother.
(c) A nephew.
(d) A father.

9. What kind of person does Will feel he is at heart?
(a) An extravagant man.
(b) A simple man.
(c) A pathetic man.
(d) A great man.

10. What's the name of Carson's oldest sister?
(a) Jessica.
(b) Vivian.
(c) Margueritte.
(d) Susette.

11. What does Will say Lily Dale has become since Bill's death?
(a) Extremely disconnected.
(b) Extremely touchy.
(c) Extremely religious.
(d) Extremely happy.

12. What does Lily Dale say she wishes Bill could see?
(a) The new developments in Houston.
(b) Their new car.
(c) Their new house.
(d) Their beautiful art collection.

13. According to the young man from Atlanta, who could be heard praying all over his boarding house every morning?
(a) Bill.
(b) Carson.
(c) The young man himself.
(d) Miss Ruth.

14. Where does Will say Ted is more frequently than he is in the office?
(a) The track.
(b) The golf course.
(c) The saloon.
(d) The racquetball court.

15. How old does Will say he was when he went to work for Sunshine?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Twenty-six.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Thirty.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Will do with the check Tom left him?

2. Where is Allie from?

3. How old does Lily Dale say she was when she lost her father?

4. How many children does Vivian have?

5. What does Will ask Pete to give him?

(see the answer keys)

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