Young Skins Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Young Skins Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Matteen do for a living?
(a) Plays pool.
(b) Sells drugs.
(c) Repairs roads.
(d) Builds houses.

2. Why is Val not very surprised that one of the four underage girls who tries to enter the club knows him by name?
(a) He is well-known in their small town.
(b) She went to school with his brothers.
(c) She is his cousin, Mary Devaney.
(d) He used to date her older sister.

3. What causes Bat's mother to tell him "You look constantly as if in want" (52)?
(a) His drooping lip.
(b) His wide eyes.
(c) His skinny frame.
(d) His shaking hands.

4. What is Val's reaction to finding a pubic hair in his teeth?
(a) He is disgusted.
(b) He is puzzled.
(c) He is embarrassed.
(d) He is delighted.

5. What is the juxtaposition of Jimmy's comments about Tug's inability to lie convincingly with Jimmy's question about Tug's medication intended to convey?
(a) Jimmy believes that Tug has medication to sell him.
(b) Jimmy believes that Tug should be on a higher dose of his medication.
(c) Jimmy believes that Tug does not need his medication.
(d) Jimmy believes that Tug is off his medication.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the day the story opens, what does Bat do after dinner but before he starts drinking?

2. In "Bait," Teddy describes Matteen as feeling "dolour" (19). What does this mean Matteen is feeling?

3. Where is the Peacock located?

4. What is the best way to describe how the young men outside The Yellow Belly feel about those who go off to college?

5. What does the page 38 expression "the lights were going up in just over an hour" mean?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the two other names that Tug is known by, and how did he get them?

2. What happens on the club's balcony, and what does it suggest about Val?

3. What happened to Bat at Monroe's takeaway?

4. What does Tain bring with her to the bar, and what ends up happening to it?

5. How did Matteen and Sarah first get together, and how did their relationship end?

6. When "Bait" opens, where are Matteen and Teddy, and why are they there?

7. Why does Bat think that something inappropriate has happened between Heg and Tain?

8. What is the relationship between Jimmy and Marlene?

9. How does Val know Martina Boran, and how has their relationship changed since he met her?

10. Describe the club that is the setting for the first part of "The Moon."

(see the answer keys)

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