Young Skins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Young Skins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The description of Tain's knees as "blunt, knobby, and flushed scaldingly red" reinforces what about Tain (65)?
(a) Her lack of social skills.
(b) Her plainness.
(c) Her idealism.
(d) Her youth.

2. How old is Martina when the story opens?
(a) 18.
(b) 19.
(c) 21.
(d) 20.

3. What technique is evident in the phrase, "stall by a booth as she swabbed down tabletops sticky with spilled spirits" (41)?
(a) Hyperbole.
(b) Sibilance.
(c) Verbal irony.
(d) Cacophony.

4. On page 5, what unusual diction does Jimmy use to describe Marlene's eyes?
(a) "Cerulean."
(b) "Citrine."
(c) "Verdigris."
(d) "Smaragdine."

5. Who is the person that Bat refers to as "the old dear"?
(a) His father.
(b) His grandmother.
(c) His mother.
(d) His grandfather.

6. What does "Father Time" always have with him?
(a) A dog.
(b) A beer.
(c) A knife.
(d) A book.

7. What causes Bat to feel so nauseous that he rushes to the bathroom, thinking he will throw up?
(a) He has had far too much to drink.
(b) He sees Luke kiss Tain.
(c) Tain tells him that she has slept with Heg.
(d) Luke brings up the incident at Munroe's.

8. When Tug stands at Jimmy's side during their conversation with Marlene and Mark, how does Jimmy characterize Tug?
(a) As a brother he completely depends on.
(b) As a weapon under his control.
(c) As an unpredictable wild animal.
(d) As a loyal pet and guard dog.

9. Jimmy calls Marlene's mother "pragmatic" (4) How does she demonstrate this quality?
(a) By not caring when Marlene brings Jimmy home at three a.m.
(b) By drinking cold tea herself but offering Jimmy and Marlene hot tea.
(c) By watching David for Marlene while Marlene goes out with friends.
(d) By reading the television listings at three a.m.

10. Besides his head injury, what is the other cause of Bat's constant headaches?
(a) Stress from his job.
(b) Allergies and sinus problems.
(c) High blood pressure.
(d) His drinking.

11. What technique is evident in the phrase "the squeaking of the wheels and the clanking of the chain" (47)?
(a) Situational irony.
(b) Understatement.
(c) Paradox.
(d) Imagery.

12. What rhetorical purpose is served by explaining how the town council has dealt with the bridge situation?
(a) It portrays the government as a force of oppression.
(b) It demonstrates that the government is not much help in the characters' lives.
(c) It establishes the tone of whimsy that continues with the child pretending to be a king.
(d) It creates dramatic irony because the characters do not know what the reader knows.

13. Where is the Peacock located?
(a) Rossbeigh.
(b) Glanbeigh.
(c) Glaunagillagh.
(d) Ceanneraugh.

14. When Teddy says, "I had a horn now," what is he saying is happening (33)?
(a) He is furiously angry.
(b) He is becoming frightened.
(c) He is sexually aroused.
(d) He is distracted and tired.

15. Who tells Tansey to "be nice" (30)?
(a) Teddy.
(b) Jenny.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Matteen.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does Jimmy compare all of Tug's ideas about what might have happened to Wayne Clancy?

2. What does Tug offer the boy as a toll for using "his" bridge?

3. What technique is used in Teddy's description of a pool ball spinning "confusedly on its own axis" (31)?

4. What causes Bat's mother to tell him "You look constantly as if in want" (52)?

5. What is an "alfresco" area of a restaurant?

(see the answer keys)

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