Young Skins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Young Skins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 8: "Kindly Forget My Existence".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Doran left the band, where did he go?
(a) Galway.
(b) Helsinki.
(c) London.
(d) Home to his mother's house.

2. What makes Bat feel out of place at the gathering at The Yellow Belly?
(a) The group talks about philosophy and politics, which he knows little about.
(b) Many people in the group stand away from him and avoid talking to him.
(c) Many people in the groups stare at his drooping lip and scars.
(d) The group talks mostly about their shared experiences in college.

3. What is foreshadowed by Matteen's comment to Sarah and Jenny "That's what passes for consent these days" (25) ?
(a) Sarah's aggressive response to Tansey.
(b) Tansey's bullying at Quillinan's.
(c) The women's assault on Teddy.
(d) Matteen's success in lining up opponents at Quillinan's.

4. What is an "alfresco" area of a restaurant?
(a) The section where alcohol is served.
(b) An outdoor section.
(c) The area where people wait for takeout orders.
(d) A smoking section.

5. What is a reasonable inference from the description of Dympna's car in the opening of the story?
(a) Arm is snobbish about cars.
(b) Arm disapproves of Dympna's lack of gratitude.
(c) Dympna resents the uncle who gave it to him.
(d) Dympna does not take good care of it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Martina stay in Holland?

2. What question does Eli ask the barman about the story he told them in the bar?

3. On page 195, how does Eli characterize his marriage to Maryanne?

4. Besides his head injury, what is the other cause of Bat's constant headaches?

5. What does Tug do to Mark's car?

(see the answer key)

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