Young Skins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Young Skins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: "Calm With Horses" Pages 132-167.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What technique is evident in the phrase "the squeaking of the wheels and the clanking of the chain" (47)?
(a) Paradox.
(b) Understatement.
(c) Situational irony.
(d) Imagery.

2. What does Jimmy feel when he and Tug reach the other side of the bridge?
(a) Nostalgia.
(b) Regret.
(c) Gratitude.
(d) Pride.

3. In the context of Young Skins, what does the word "estate" mean?
(a) A planned development of houses, often designed for low-income residents.
(b) A large piece of agricultural land used for crops or animals.
(c) The capital passed from a deceased person to their heirs.
(d) A large home and property in the countryside.

4. What does Martina tell Val about Galway?
(a) The people there know ten times as much about the world as Val does.
(b) She hates not being able to see the stars because of the city lights.
(c) She wishes that she had gone to Dublin instead.
(d) It seems as far away as the moon to people like him.

5. When Sarah first gets into Teddy's car, what does she do?
(a) Slaps Teddy in the face.
(b) Pours vodka onto Matteen's lap.
(c) Opens all of the windows.
(d) Changes her clothes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Heg invite Bat to drinks at The Yellow Belly?

2. Besides his head injury, what is the other cause of Bat's constant headaches?

3. After Paudi shows Dympna the injured dog, what question does he ask Dympna?

4. What do Tain, Heg, and Bat do on their break?

5. Why are there rumors about Sarah's parentage circulating around town?

(see the answer key)

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