Young Skins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Colin Barrett
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Young Skins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: "Bait".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Tug's theory about the two women supposedly sighted with Wayne Clancy?
(a) They are desperate for a child of their own.
(b) They are recruiters for a cult.
(c) They are part of a child trafficking ring.
(d) They are taking him to his birth father.

2. What evidence does Jimmy provide that Tug has a psychiatric disorder?
(a) Tug sees and hears things that are not there.
(b) Tug is seeing a therapist.
(c) Tug was recently hospitalized for depression.
(d) Tug is on psychiatric medication.

3. Jimmy says that Tug has a "lugubrious air" (3). What is another way to describe this quality?
(a) Quietly desperate.
(b) Exaggeratedly sad.
(c) Aggressively cheerful.
(d) Theatrically joyous.

4. After Matteen came out of the woods on the night he first kissed Sarah, what did he do?
(a) Throw up.
(b) Brag to his friends.
(c) Get very drunk.
(d) Call Teddy.

5. What is the juxtaposition of Jimmy's comments about Tug's inability to lie convincingly with Jimmy's question about Tug's medication intended to convey?
(a) Jimmy believes that Tug is off his medication.
(b) Jimmy believes that Tug should be on a higher dose of his medication.
(c) Jimmy believes that Tug does not need his medication.
(d) Jimmy believes that Tug has medication to sell him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What rhetorical purpose is served by explaining how the town council has dealt with the bridge situation?

2. When Teddy says that he and his friends were "flummoxed," what is he saying about them (21)?

3. When Jimmy snaps at Tug about his speculation about Wayne Clancy, how does Tug react?

4. What is implied when the crowd begins to thin out after Tansey arrives?

5. What technique is used when, on page 23, Teddy describes Sarah's father as a "hair-covered pudding"?

(see the answer key)

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