Objects & Places from Young Skins

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Objects & Places from Young Skins

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This small fictional town in County Mayo is the setting of the stories in Young Skins.

Dockery's Pub

This bar is the setting for much of the action in "The Clancy Kid."

The Wooden Bridge

This object in "The Clancy Kid" is where the main characters meet a child "king" and risk their safety to get to Farrow Hill estate.

Quillinan's Pub

This setting is where Matteen plays pool in "Bait" and where Arm and Dympna go to see Brandon's band in "Calm With Horses."

Bleak Woods

This setting is where Teddy is assaulted in "Bait."

The Peacock Bar and Nightclub

This place is the setting for the first half of "The Moon."

The Mule River

This setting is where Val and Martina often meet secretly in "The Moon" and where Arm dumps Fannigan's body in "Calm With Horses."


This city is where Martina Boran goes...

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