Young Skins Multiple Choice Test Questions

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Young Skins Multiple Choice Test Questions

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Section 1: "The Clancy Kid"

1. In the context of Young Skins, what does the word "estate" mean?
(a) A large home and property in the countryside.
(b) The capital passed from a deceased person to their heirs.
(c) A planned development of houses, often designed for low-income residents.
(d) A large piece of agricultural land used for crops or animals.

2. What is the narrator describing on page 1 when he talks about "tenderized brain cases and seesawing stomachs"?
(a) Hangovers.
(b) Migraine headaches.
(c) Food poisoning.
(d) Sea sickness.

3. What is an "alfresco" area of a restaurant?
(a) The area where people wait for takeout orders.
(b) An outdoor section.
(c) The section where alcohol is served.
(d) A smoking section.

4. What evidence does Jimmy provide that Tug has a psychiatric disorder?
(a) Tug sees and hears things that are not there.
(b) Tug was recently hospitalized for depression.
(c) Tug is seeing a therapist.
(d) Tug is on psychiatric medication.

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