Young Skins Character Descriptions

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Young Skins Character Descriptions

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Colin Barrett

This person is the author of Young Skins.

Jimmy Devereux

This character narrates "The Clancy Kid."

Brendan "Tug" Cuniffe

This character, also called "Manchild," is the friend of the narrator in "The Clancy Kid" and is obsessed with the titular child's disappearance.

Marlene Davey

This character is the on-again/off-again romantic partner of the narrator of "The Clancy Kid."

Mark Cuculann

This character in "The Clancy Kid" has recently become engaged to the mother of his child, a woman who is also the narrator's romantic interest.

Wayne Clancy

This character does not actually appear in the book; he is a ten-year-old missing child who disappeared from a school trip to Dublin.


This character narrates "Bait."

Matteen Judge

This character is the cousin of the narrator of "Bait."

Sarah Dignan

This character is the beautiful young woman whom the narrator's cousin has a crush on in "Bait...

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